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  • Don Luchini's avatar
    Detect 64-bit architectures. (#530) · 234fabba
    Don Luchini authored
    The current behavior is to assume a machine is 64-bit unless a regex
    for i386/i686 is matched. This causes alternative 32-bit architectures
    (e.g. 32-bit ARM) to be misdetected as 64-bit.
    This change attempts to better detect 64-bit architectures:
    * Any machine type including "64" is assumed to be 64-bit (e.g.
    x86_64, aarch64)
    * Some known 64-bit machine types without "64" are explicitly matched
    (e.g. armv8l, s390x)
    * Anything else is assumed to be 32-bit (e.g. i686, armv7l)