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  • Simon Coffey's avatar
    Accept prompts while fetching repo metadata · 8acc0653
    Simon Coffey authored
    With the new `repo_gpgcheck` attribute, a signing key can now be implicated in
    fetching the repository metadata. If this is a previously un-imported key, a
    prompt is generated by `yum makecache`, which fails in a chef run due to the
    non-interactive context. This results in the `yum_repository` resource failing
    if a previously un-imported key is used in tandem with `repo_gpgcheck = true`.
    Cookbook users should be responsible for ensuring that keys they refer to in
    their resources can be trusted, either by referring to keys at secure URLs, or
    by creating a local, trusted file using managed secrets, and referring
    directly to that.
    Therefore, add the `-y` flag to the `yum makecache` command, allowing repo
    metadata to be fetched without manual intervention.