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  • Cookstyle Bot's avatar
    Cookstyle Bot Auto Corrections with Cookstyle 7.5.3 · 07f0fba1
    Cookstyle Bot authored
    This change is automatically generated by the Cookstyle Bot using the latest version of Cookstyle (7.5.3). Adopting changes suggested by Cookstyle improves cookbook readability, avoids common coding mistakes, and eases upgrades to newer versions of the Chef Infra Client.
    ### Style/RegexpLiteral
      - **/test/integration/input_file_resource/serverspec/input_file_provider_spec.rb:15**: Use `%r` around regular expression.
      - **/test/integration/input_file_resource/serverspec/input_file_provider_spec.rb:24**: Use `%r` around regular expression.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarCookstyle <>