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  • Ben Hughes's avatar
    v11 Table Flip (#705) · 3a44a27b
    Ben Hughes authored
    * Remove testing with 9 and 10 as they are no long supported
    * Refactor installation, configuration and service resources
    1. Condense client_install, server_install and respository resource into
       a single install resource.
    2. Remove service action from install to remove the ability to enter a
       pathological situation where the chef run will not complete due to
       the service not starting because of a config error but the config error
       is unable to be corrected to allow the service to start.
    3. Refactor the server_conf resource to config and add
       load_current_value support.
    4. Initial work to switch back to pg gem instead of shell_out for SQL
       controlled resources. (may revert)
    [ci skip]
    * Skip module disable on non-module platforms
    * Move templates to default
    * Add systemd unit drop-in if external PID is set
    * Create pg_hba.conf parser class
    * Update access resource to match
    * Set desired_state on common properties
    * Update templates
    * Fix access auth_options comparison
    * Update ident resource to use parser class
    * Role
    * Database
    * Split libraries
    * Extension
    * Add database inspec test
    * MDL config
    * Chefspec fixup
    * Reenable all kitchen test versions
    * CI fixup
    * Refactor libs
    * Testing fixup
    * Kitchen cookbook fixup
    * CI shorten testing temporarily
    * More kitchen test fixing
    * Use exec_params where we can
    * Test cookbook fixup
    * Config set version desired state false
    * Update version match regex for Debian platforms
    * RHEL 7 needs epel to install
    * Kitchen test locale fixup
    * Libraries include refactor
    * Test property update
    * Install resource update
    * Turns out we can update access entries
    * Access test fixup
    * Ident test fixup
    * Disable sort on pg_hba entries
    * Skip role password overwrite unless explicit
    * Extension kitchen fixup
    * Reenable multi converge for ident
    * pg install refactor
    * Make access test indempotent
    * Reenable all CI suites
    * Expand initdb locale testing platforms
    * Skip database locale for v13
    * Automatic version detection
    * Fixup missing requires
    * Expand default packages
    * Accept version as an integer also
    * Correct name properties in resources
    * Initial docs update
    * Support pg_hba file comments
    * Add comment support for ident resources
    * Further docs update
    * Update upgrading file
    * Update README chef required version
    Fixes #702
    * Formatting fixup